
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

We have finished our class novel study of The Breadwinner. Tell a family member about this novel, and how it made you feel. Explain the task you choose to represent your understanding - either the Step Inside or Comparison to the Boy In the Striped Pyjamas.

What do you think integrity means?  Share your ideas with a family member. Did the characters in The Breadwinner or The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas demonstrate integrity?  How do you know?

Homework: Continue reading at home to prepare for your November book review. Remember, you will be assessing your November book review with a family member at conferences!

We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Veteran's Food Bank this week! Please support this cause, and send non-perishable food items to school.

Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be on Friday November 8, at 10:45. Please invite your family members to attend! We will be collecting donations for poppies on Friday morning - all students will receive a poppy to wear for the assembly.

Vista Heights is a Calgary Reads School!
We are looking for volunteers to help us improve the confidence and ability of struggling young readers and to actively promote early literacy. We would be honoured to have you join our team. If you enjoy reading and have two or three hours each week to share with a child, we invite you to help us in our mission to help Calgary’s children gain literacy skills. For more information on how you can help, please visit the Calgary Reads website at or email or Ms. Toor