
Friday, May 30, 2014

Another busy week is finished! Thank you for all your hard work this week on your Science projects. We are excited for you to share your learning and hard work with the grade 5/6 students next week.

We have a new virtue for the month of June. Make a prediction for what the virtue for June is. Be prepared to share with the class on Monday. 

Have a superb weekend! 

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius

Thursday, May 29, 2014

We have been studying a new novel in our class read aloud.... Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel. Share with a family member what has happened so far in our story, and who your favorite character is. How has the author built suspense in this story? Make a prediction for what will happen next in our story!

Sports Club is cancelled for today.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We have been busy working on our Science projects this week! Think about the project criteria, and the work you have completed so far. What questions do you still have about trees, forests and wetlands? How will you find answers to these questions? How will you ensure your project is complete by Friday?

- Science projects are due on Friday May 30. Be prepared to present starting the first week of June!
-NO Sports Club tomorrow after school

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thank you for your thoughtful reflections and self-assessment of your Zumba routines today! We are excited to start using Google Drive in our classroom. Explain to a family member how we used Google Drive today to assess our routines. Show a family member the online survey you completed and your answers.

Monday, May 26, 2014

We have been learning about watercolor painting, and trying different art techniques when using watercolors. Share with a family members the different techniques we practiced with last week (a wash/wet-on-wet/salt technique), and how you used this in your art piece today. 

- The raffle for a pair of inline skates from Alien Inline Skating will take place tomorrow! Thank you to the many students for their interest in this great opportunity! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thank you for another terrific week of learning LOL's!

We finished our dance unit, and sharing the Zumba routines we created with the grade 5/6 students this week. Show a family member the routine your group created. Think about how you will be assessing your routine, and what grade you earned for this unit.

Enjoy your weekend!

 - Alien Inline Skating notices are being sent home today. If you are interested in entering the draw for a pair of inline skates, please have your parents sign and return this form to school on Monday.

- Alex Dental Bus forms are being sent home with the grade 5 students today. Please have your parents sign the form and return it to school to participate in this great opportunity!

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” - Babe Ruth

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thank you to the kindergarten students for their terrific assembly today! Share with a family member your favorite part of the assembly.

Health lessons begin next week.  Please have your parents read over the forms.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Great job collecting research for your Science projects! Share with a family member the topic for your project, the many resources you have been accessing, and how you will be sharing your learning with the class. Show the project criteria and rubric in D2L to a family member. What have you learned so far about trees, forests and wetlands? What questions do you still have? How can you find answers to these questions?

The kindergarten class will be sharing their learning with the school in an assembly tomorrow afternoon at 2:15! Invite a family member to join in our celebration of learning.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Welcome back to school! We hope you had a wonderful long weekend.

Today the grade 6 students wrote the Provincial Achievement Test! Great job on your narrative stories, and your newspaper articles. Share with the family member the picture prompt you were given, and how you created a fabulous story. How did you include all the writing techniques we have been working on?

Please have your parents sign and return the Alex Dental Bus permission form to have the free preventative dental services! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

LOL's, another busy week is over!   Thank you for your perseverance and diligence to achieve excellence in writing.  Be proud of your hard work.  Have an amazing long weekend!

-No school tomorrow.  It is a PD Day. Monday, May 19 is a holiday.  There is no school.

-Provincial Achievement Test in Writing for Grade 6 is on Tuesday, May 20 beginning at 9:00.

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” - Newt Gingrich

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The grade 6 ELA Provincial Achievement Test was cancelled today due to network issues! It has been rescheduled for Tuesday May 20.

-No school on Friday, May 16.  It is a PD Day. Monday, May 19 is a holiday.  There is no school.

-Thursday, May 15 is Family Move and Groove Night from 6:30-7:30.  Join us to learn some of the 
new dances we have been studying in gym this month. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

We are starting our final science projects for this year.  Please share with a family member which unit you have chosen to study, Trees and Forests or Wetlands, and what presentation tool you will be using to represent your learning.

-Grade 6 Provincial Writing Test tomorrow.  Please ensure you are on time for class in the morning.

-Thursday, May 15 is Family Move and Groove Night from 6:30-7:30.  Join us to learn some of the 
new dances we have been studying in gym this month. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Super work today evaluating our final practice provincial test, both the narrative and the newspaper article.  Grade 6's will write our Provincial Test for Writing on Wednesday, May 14 from 9:00-11:00.  Our remaining Grade 6 provincial tests are in the 3rd week of June.  We will keep you posted on the dates.  If you would like to practice you can go to:
                       Alberta Education Provincial Tests

- Health and Life Skills notice is being sent home today. If you do not wish to have your child participate, please sign and return the student exemption form.

- Grade 5 Math: We have a quiz tomorrow on transformations. Please see Ms. Makowski if you would like to take a textbook home to help you study.

-No school on Friday, May 16.  It is a PD Day. Monday, May 19 is a holiday.  There is no school.

-Thursday, May 15 is Family Move and Groove Night from 6:30-7:30.  Join us to learn some of the
new dances we have been studying in gym this month.

Friday, May 09, 2014

We did a practice provincial achievement test today! Share with a family member the story you wrote, and how you applied the many writing techniques we have been working on this week. Reflect on the writing goal you set this week. Do you think you met this goal, or will you continue to work on this goal in the upcoming weeks?

Have a terrific weekend!

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance. - Samuel Johnson

Thursday, May 08, 2014

We have been continuing our study of newspaper articles this week. Share with a family member how to organize your news article for the reader. Find an article on GoGo News ( How did the author organize the article for the reader? Did they include the 5W's and how?

- Alex Bus notice and permission form is being sent home with the grade 6 students today. Please have your parents sign the permission form and return it to school.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Excellent job choreographing your Zumba routine for Phys. Ed. today! We will be sharing and teaching our routines to the class on Wednesday May 14.  Please remember to submit your music proposals to Mrs. Calvert and Ms. Makowski prior to Wednesday's class.

Our Family Move and Groove is Thursday May 15! Please continue to teach your family members the dances we have been learning as a class. We hope to see you and your families there!

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

You are amazing newspaper reporters!  Your newspaper reports on your favourite nursery rhyme and fairytale were creative and funny. Please share with a family member the main parts of a newspaper article.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Wonderful work today assessing your narratives for their content and organization. These categories are the most important for our narrative writing Provincial Achievement Test on Wednesday, May 14.  Please share with a family member a writing celebration and a writing goal that you have for your narrative writing.

Child Safe Canada notice is being sent home today.

Math Grade 6 - You have a quiz tomorrow on how to identify and create the 6 types of triangles.  Please use your notes in your math journal to study or ask Mrs. Calvert for assistance.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Thank you for all your hard work and creative writing this week!

We have been busy learning different dances to prepare for the upcoming Family Move and Groove! Try teaching a family member the dances we have been learning in Phys. Ed. Can you remember all the steps and keep the beat?

Have a superb weekend!

Thursday, May 01, 2014

We had a terrific day in Fish Creek Park today! Share with a family member your favorite part of the field trip and what you learned about trees in Fish Creek Park.

We have a new virtue for the month of May. Do you know what it is?

Sports Club is cancelled today.