Your French Outdoor School Packing Lists are amazing! Thank you for sharing your learning today. Please remember to go onto D2L and show a family member your project.
-November Book Reviews are due on Friday. You will get some time this week in class to complete your presentations and post them in D2L.
-Try out RAZ kids at home. Your teacher log in is
dcalvertf and use your password from last year. Go to:
Grade 5 Math - we have a test on Friday November 29! You need to know mental math strategies for multiplying basic facts, understand multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers to solve problems, and dividing 3-digit by 1-digit numbers. Please see Ms. Makowski if you are interested in taking a textbook home to help you study.
-Parent-Teacher Interviews and Student-Led Conferences are next week, Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6. Please use the information coming home today to book an interview time.
University of Calgary Solar Car Team Visit
We are excited to welcome the University of Calgary Solar Car Team to Vista Heights on Thursday November 28! This interactive presentation will promote sustainable energy practices and give all classes an opportunity to view the Schulich Axiom solar car.
A Media Release and Consent Agreement is being sent home. By signing these forms, parents are giving permission for their child to have their picture taken during this presentation. Pictures would only be used by the University of Calgary Solar Car Team for their website or future presentations. All students will participate in the learning opportunity; the consent for photos is optional.
Please visit the University of Calgary Solar Car Team website,, or contact Ms. Makowski at (403)777-6000 if you have any questions or require further information.