
Monday, June 23, 2014

Today our grade 6 students finished our last PAT in Social Studies. Thank you for your hard work and critical thinking on these provincial assessments. You raw score will be sent home with the report card on Thursday. Share with a family member how you felt writing the PATs. What went well for you? What would you change or do differently next time?

- Our grade 5/6 picnic lunch is tomorrow! Lunch will be provided to those who brought in the $2.00. Please bring your lunch if you chose not to have pizza.

- We will be spending time outside tomorrow afternoon playing the games you designed for the class. Please dress for the weather - hat, sunglasses, water bottle, etc.

Grade 5/6 Talent Show Criteria:

-       - Wednesday June 25 in the afternoon
-      -  1 to 5 minutes in length
-      -  well rehearsed
-      -  appropriate for school
-      -  let Mrs. Calvert or Ms. Makowski know your talent before Wednesday
-      -  on your own or with a group
-     -  be prepared with everything you need

**Stampede Breakfast Wednesday June 25th:
-breakfast starts @ 8:45 am
-students please come into the school and go to your classroom door for attendance (parents can save a spot in the line)
- dress western    
 -put  litter in the proper place  
-enjoy the music and dance
-there is NO breakfast program on Wed; enjoy the pancakes at 8:45 instead